Project updates

On 28 April 2023 the NSW government gave Council the green light to progress the proposal to designate Enmore Road as a Special Entertainment Precinct (SEP) on a permanent basis.

The planning proposal is now being finalised prior to adoption.

Why Enmore Road?

The NSW Government introduced special entertainment precincts to provide a different way for councils to manage amplified noise from licensed premises.

Creating a Special Entertainment Precinct along Enmore Road is an acknowledgement of its status as one of Australia’s premier entertainment and hospitality destinations - a status we want to protect while being mindful about neighbourhood liveability.

Engagement on the Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct began in June 2022 with an exhibition of the Department of Planning and Environment's Explanation of Intended Effects.

A trial of the Special Entertainment Precinct started on 1 September 2022. During the trial period, visitors, residents and businesses were invited to share their experiences.

During the initial three-month trial period, Council received high levels of support from the community for making the Enmore Special Entertainment Precinct permanent. Council was therefore given permission to extend the trial conditions through to mid 2023.

Additional engagement was undertaken during the evaluation period with key stakeholders including local businesses and neighbours.

Read more about the engagement work done so far.

91% of respondents from the wider community supported the designation of Enmore Road as a Special Entertainment Precinct.

In a local resident-only survey conducted in February 2023, 63% of residents supported the Enmore Road SEP.

All 8 (100%) businesses who completed the follow-up survey support Enmore Road being designated as a Special Entertainment Precinct.

The key concerns raised by residents include excessive noise, crowd management, car parking availability, safety concerns and anti-social behaviour such as alcohol related violence, drug use, littering and public urination.

Read the full Engagement Outcomes Report.

At its meeting on 14 March 2023, Council noted local resident concerns and resolved to:

  • Bring forward a parking review for the precinct area from 2026 to 2023
  • Increase ranger patrols of the precinct area and surrounding streets in peak times (evenings and weekends)
  • Engage with businesses within the precinct area to implement a ‘good neighbour’ noise management strategy
  • Review the zone in and around Enmore Road for any additional street cleaning required

Read more about the Council decision.

Additional step - separate consultation to update supporting documents

To support the changes to the planning framework, Council needs to develop detailed controls on things like sound proofing and sound levels.

This is done via the draft Special Entertainment Precinct Development Control Plan (DCP).

Read more about the DCP and have your say on the draft DCP project page (link takes you to another page on this site).

Exhibition of the Enmore Road planning proposal

Quick Poll

Do you support Enmore Road as a permanent Special Entertainment Precinct?

This poll has concluded.

  • Yes
    84% (96 votes)
  • No
    12% (14 votes)
  • Don't know/unsure
    4% (4 votes)
Total Votes: 114

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