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DCP amendments in effect

The amendments to the Marrickville DCP 2011 regarding special entertainment precincts came into effect on 12 December 2023. To read the in force DCP, please visit Marrickville DCP 2011 page on Council's website.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Reviewing feedback

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    DCP amendments finalised

Council is looking to introduce Special Entertainment Precincts across the Inner West. The first at Enmore Road, soon to be followed at other locations which may include Marrickville, Leichhardt, Rozelle and Balmain.

To enable Special Entertainment Precincts to be implemented Council needs to develop detailed controls on things like sound proofing and sound levels.

This is initially being done via an amendment to the Marrickville Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011. Amendments to other DCPs will follow as new entertainment precincts are rolled out.

The NSW Government introduced special entertainment precincts to provide a different way for councils to manage amplified noise from licensed premises.

Creating a Special Entertainment Precinct is an acknowledgement of an area's status as an entertainment and hospitality destination - a status we want to protect while being mindful about neighbourhood liveability.

On 28 April 2023 the NSW government gave Council the green light to make Enmore Road a permanent Special Entertainment Precinct (SEP).

To formalise this change Council has to update the planning framework (Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022) - you can read about those changes and have your say on the Enmore Road SEP project page (the link takes you to another page on this site).

The aim of the new development controls is to:

  • Support a thriving, diverse, inclusive, and safe night-time economy
  • Support creative and cultural industries that rely on the night-time economy, including the entertainment and live music sector
  • Manage sound expectations in and around Special Entertainment Precincts and maintain reasonable sound levels for residents and other sensitive land uses

The new development controls will:

  • Require certain types of buildings to include appropriate sound proofing to ensure they can co-exist with entertainment venues
  • Require entertainment venues to demonstrate that the venue will not exceed set levels for entertainment sound
  • Future-proof mixed use buildings so they can host entertainment without requiring costly upgrades

Details of affected properties and requirements can be found in the draft DCP amendment. If you have any questions about the proposals please contact the project lead Jarrad Sheather on 02 9392 5210

Development Control Plans are used for the assessment of development applications. They do not apply to existing buildings unless they are being modified through a development application.

Have your say

Community feedback dates

Thursday 4 May - Tuesday 13 June 2023

Other ways to get in touch

We are committed to making sure you can access the information you need in a format that is right for you.

If you would like information supplied in another language or format, please contact us Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm via these free community services.

You will need to provide the project lead's phone number - 02 9392 5137.

Contact the project lead directly

Contact Information
Name Jarrad Sheather
Phone 02 9392 5210
In writing

c/o Jarrad Sheather

Inner West Council


Petersham 2049

Talk free with an interpreter - call 13 14 50

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