Project updates

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Updates to the draft Inner West Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2020

Following the public exhibition of the draft Inner West LEP 2020 in April this year, the Urban Strategy Team updated some of the proposals in response to community feedback before the documents went to a Council meeting.

At the 9 June 2020 Council Meeting, Council resolved to defer consideration of the draft Inner West LEP 2020 until the 23 June 2020. This is to enable further consultation with local communities concerned about elements of the draft LEP, particularly in relation to the Moore Street Industrial Precinct and the Summer Hill Flour Mill Complex.

Changes that have occurred since the draft LEP was placed on public exhibition include but are not limited to:

  • The Moore Street Industrial Precinct will now retain its IN2 Light Industrial zoning (previously proposed to be rezoned to an IN1 General Industrial zoning). Play our video presentation below to find out what's changed
  • Additional changes to the heritage listing for the Summer Hill Flour Mill Complex. Play our video presentation below to find out what's changed

Post exhibition changes to the Moore Street industrial precinct

Post exhibition changes made to the Summer Hill Flour Mill heritage listing

Have a question for us?

If you would like further clarification on the changes that were made post exhibition, please let us know:

  • Via our Q&A tool to submit your question and view the responses to any past questions
  • Call the Urban Strategy team on 9392 5167
    • Friday 12 June 9am - 5pm
    • Saturday and Sunday 13-14 June 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 5pm

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