Dual Naming of Local Parks and Ovals
At its meeting on 18 February Council made the following decisions about the Dual Naming of Local Parks and Ovals.
In May 2022, Council committed to establishing a flagship inclusive play space in every Inner West ward and we partnered with Touched By Olivia to help us do that.
Yeo Park Playground falls within the Djarrawunang-Ashfield ward.
Between October 2024 and January 2025, we sought your feedback and as a result have developed a draft concept plan for the new playground.
We want to know - have we got it right?
We heard from residents, local schools and the general community.
View the draft concept plan to find out more.
Select the two arrows in the below to expand the plan. Click on each icon to find out what is included.
This is to separate different play experiences. A larger area will be created to ensure that there is diversity of equipment, which responds to direct feedback from our community that not all play experiences are suitable for all users.
The variety of different equipment allows park users to participate at a level that suites their ability and provides opportunities to challenge themselves with each visit.
This is for safety reasons. This is in response to comments that a fence is crucial in an inclusive space.
The plan includes:
The much loved tree will remain and is the centre of the playground incorporating imaginative and sensory play.
Let us know your thoughts about the draft concept plan by:
The last day to provide feedback is Sunday 16 March 2025.
All feedback will be reviewed and consolidated into a report. Where possible, Council will incorporate the feedback into the final design. Construction will commence in the new year. Everyone who provided their email address during the consultations will be kept up to date.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Initial engagement open
We are inviting the community to share their thoughts. comments closes Friday 24 January 2025.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Under review and drafting design - we are here
We are reviewing all feedback and drafting a concept plan. We will report back on what we heard during the consultation.
Timeline item 3 - active
Second engagement open
We are asking your feedback on the draft concept plan. Have we got it right?
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Finalising the design
Where possible we will amend the concept plan based off the feedback received. We will also report back on what we heard about the concept plan.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Construction is taking place.
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
Come and play!
The new playground is opened.
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Name | Holly Cowdery |
Phone | 02 9392 5743 |
holly.cowdery@innerwest.nsw.gov.au |
At its meeting on 18 February Council made the following decisions about the Dual Naming of Local Parks and Ovals.
Join us for the opening of the new King Geroge Park Inclusive Playground on Saturday 7 September, 10am-12pm.
Construction on the new inclusive playground has begun and is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2025.
Find out what we heard during this engagement.
C0522(1) Item 25 Notice of Motion: Inclusive Playgrounds |
That Council: 1. Acknowledges all children in our community have a right to play, but that a lack of accessibility in local playgrounds prohibit many children living with disability from doing so; 2. Notes that children with disability can be better engaged in designing play spaces and thanks the Social Strategy Advisory Committee for developing co-design principles that aim to engage the community in the design and development of infrastructure, services and policies to ensure projects better responds to and meets the needs of the community; 3. Commit to establishing an inclusive playground in each ward by: a) Identifying a planned playground upgrade in each ward that could be appropriately developed as an inclusive play space, including King Georges Park, Rozelle; b) Working with a reputable third party to better engage children with disability and their families in the codesign of these play spaces, incorporating the co-design principles developed by the Social Strategy Advisory Committee; c) Allocating $50,000 in the 2022-2023 Budget for consultation, planning and design and $2 million for construction in 2023-2024 Budget; d) Directing staff to investigate further grant and funding opportunities; and e) Incorporating this approach into either or both of council’s draft Recreation Study and upcoming draft Playground Strategy, as appropriate. |
When designing the new playspace, we will follow the NSW Government Everyone Can Play guidelines and their three principles:
Touched by Olivia is a registered charity which improves the wellbeing of individuals and communities through inclusion and belonging.
We acknowledge that this land area traditionally belonged to the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.