Project updates

Project details

The Rozelle and Lilyfield communities have experienced ongoing disruption resulting from State Government mega projects.

The construction of the Westconnex interchange, the Iron Cove link, development in the Bays Precinct, and the Government’s refusal to demolish the dangerous former Balmain Leagues Club site, have all caused damaging impacts to our community.

Inner West Council has fought hard to force the NSW Government and Transport for NSW to prepare plans for the revitalisation of Victoria Road and Darling Street post-Westconnex construction. Council and the community should have a say in this opportunity and Rozelle Town Centre’s revitalisation.

We are asking you to join us in developing a master plan for Victoria Road, Darling Street and nearby streets and public spaces that reflect the community’s views. We will use the master plan and community feedback to advocate to the State Government to deliver the real and permanent improvements to amenity in Rozelle that have been promised.

We are developing a Public Domain Masterplan to revitalise Rozelle Town Centre and create an inclusive and pedestrian-oriented village retail centre.

The master plan will set a ten-year vision to guide improvements to the Town Centre's public spaces, that aim to:

  • Bring together both sides of Rozelle
  • Provide the community with new places to gather and connect
  • Support local businesses
  • Make streets greener
  • Improve walking and cycling networks
  • Incorporate informal play spaces
  • Celebrate diverse local culture
  • Connect with country

Project stages

  • Draft Public Domain Plan on public exhibition

    We will present the draft Public Domain Master Plan for you to comment on.

  • Decision by Council

    The elected representatives consider Community consultation report and the final draft for adoption.

Rozelle Town Centre - study area boundary

Early engagement

Feedback has closed on early engagement

Frequently Asked Questions

Rozelle - Frequently Asked Questions

NSW Government projects on a map

A map showing where NSW Gov projects are located