Project updates

Project details

Image courtesy of Nick Hyde, Dulwich Hill FC

Arlington Reserve is a well used and loved green space and oval in Dulwich Hill.

For background to this project check out the How did we get here? FAQ.

What is happening now?

At its meeting on Tuesday 13 October 2020 Council deferred its decision to adopt the Operational Plan and requested that some information in the plan is further clarified and additional consultation with local residents is undertaken. We have revised the plan, clarified information and added new sections.

What's new in the plan?

  • Page 1- Goal of the Management Committee clarified
  • Page 1 - Community representation on the Management Committee clarified
  • Page 2 - Selection Criteria for Committee membership added
  • Page 6 - Complaints process outlined
  • Page 7 - Unacceptable noise defined

The additions are in red colour font and can be viewed in the revised Arlington Reserve Operational Plan doc

Hours of use

Current hours of use for schools and sporting clubs are outlined in the table below.

SchoolsTraining for sporting clubsGames by sporting clubs
Monday to Friday9.00am to 3.30pm3.30-9.00pm1 game per month
NSW Public holidaysNilNilNil

Have your say

Please complete online survey to let us know your thoughts on the amendments and share with us your views on the current hours of use.

Alternatively post your feedback to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049. Please mark your mail attention to: Aaron Callaghan - Arlington Reserve feedback

Last day to provide feedback is Wednesday 31 March 2020.

What happens next?

After the engagement period, we will review your feedback and prepare a report for Council. All those who provide feedback will be advised when the report will be debated by Council.

CLOSED: This engagement has concluded. Thank you to all who provided feedback.