Project updates

Project details

Our public toilets provide facilities to residents and visitors of the Inner West during daylight hours.

Wicks Park Toilet, Marrickville

What is the Public Toilet Strategy?

We have developed the Public Toilet Strategy which sets the design guidelines of our public toilets, contains an audit of all Council public toilet facilities and an implementation plan which contains priority upgrades and proposed new facilities.

The design guidelines

We aim to deliver public toilets which are best practice in public toilet design, hygiene, safety and maintenance.

Our design guidelines outline the standards we want to maintain when delivering new public toilet facilities, upgrading and maintaining existing facilities. The guidelines are grouped by six separate design considerations:

  • The site where the facilities sits
  • The building it exists within
  • Inclusive design
  • Sustainable design
  • Materials including initial construction and ongoing materials
  • Placemaking

Audit of existing facilities

We have audited all our existing public toilet facilities looking at the level of use, condition of the facility and upgrade priority.

New facilities and benchmarking

Informed by the audit, we have created an upgrade priority list. As well as the upgrade priority list and implementation plan, read about new proposed facilities and our bench mark study.

Have your say

Busting to let us know what you think? Share your views on the Public Toilet Strategy:

  • Fill out our online feedback form
  • By mail, Inner West Council, Attention Vanessa Phillips, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049

Comments close 20 July 2020.

What happens next?

Council officers will analyse feedback and update the document with any relevant changes to ensure the document meets the expectations of the community. The Strategy will then go to an Elected Council meeting for consideration and a decision on adoption. Everyone who provides feedback will be notified when the Strategy goes to a Council meeting.