Project updates
Project details
Cycling is a fantastic way to get around, keep fit, save money and help the environment at the same time. Council's Community Strategic Plan supports cycling by making improvements to the bike network to increase safety and ease of travel, and to remove barriers to cycling.
Council has received grants from the NSW Roads and Maritime Service to plan and design an important regional route and three local routes:
- Regional Route 7: Longport Street, Lewisham to Mary Street/Eliza Street, Newtown
- Local Route 3: Livingstone Road, Marrickville between Jersey Street and Marrickville Park
- Local Route 16: Addison Road, Marrickville
- Local Route 18: Dulwich Hill train station to Marrickville train station
In February and March this year, Council asked the community and other stakeholders for feedback on cycling along these routes. The feedback received, along with technical assessments of the study areas, was used by Council’s consultants to develop draft concept plans.
The draft concept plans for Regional Route 7 were placed on public exhibition in May and June. Local Route 3 and Local Route 18 were on public exhibition from June to August.
Read a summary of the feedback received during the public exhibition for Local Route 3 & Local Route 18
Visit the project page for Regional Route 7 to read the feedback summary for these routes.
Local Route 16 are still being developed and will be placed on public exhibition at a later date.
What's happening now?
The concept plans for Local Route 3 and Local Route 18 have been revised to address issues raised by the community during the public exhibition of the draft concept plans.
View the revised concept plans for:
What happens next?The revised concept plans, and a report regarding both routes, will be considered at the Inner West Council Local Traffic Committee (LTC) meeting on Thursday 1 December 2016. Members of the public may register to speak at the LTC meeting. If you wish to attend, please contact Council’s Administration Assistant on (02) 9335 2213 to advise of your attendance.
The recommendations of the LTC will then be considered by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 28 February 2017