The image(s) are artists impression and may not reflect the final design. The design is subject to approvals and may change.
Key feature:
A suspended walkway under Parramatta Road and along the Hawthorne Canal
Design summary:
- Underpass at Parramatta Road
- Raised 3.5m wide path along Hawthorne canal to Gadigal Reserve
- New stairs from path to Parramatta Road
- Installation of new path lighting
- Installation of public art
- Wayfinding signage
Key feature:
A new path and upgraded natural areas in Cadigal Reserve
Design summary:
- Upgraded landscaping and ecological restoration in Gadigal Reserve
- Creation of new 3.5m wide shared path
- Installation of new path lights
- New nature play area
- Installation of public art
- Installation of rest stop
- Wayfinding signage
- Access ramp into Hawthorne Canal
- New shared path bridge across Hawthorne Canal
Key feature:
A tunnel under Longport Street
Design summary:
- New tunnel under Longport Street
- Microbat protective tunnel design
- Creation of new 3.5m wide shared path
- Installation of new bat-friendly path lights
- Installation of public art in tunnel
- Wayfinding signage
Key features:
- A new path, parklands and natural areas in the light rail corridor near Lewisham West
- A signalised crossing at Old Canterbury Road and closure of Weston Street to traffic
Design summary:
- New in-corridor shared path next to the light rail
- Natural parkland creation and design
- Installation of new path lights
- Installation of public art
- Installation of rest stop
- Landscaping and ecological restoration
- New dog off-leash area and wetland
- New traffic signals at Old Canterbury Road with pedestrian/cyclist crossing
- Weston Street closed for motorised traffic from Old Canterbury Road, accessible for pedestrians and cyclists only
- Wayfinding signage
Key features:
A tunnel under Davis Street and a new boardwalk from Davis Street to Johnson Park
Design summary:
- Tunnel under Davis Street along light rail corridor
- Creation of new 3.5m wide boardwalk from Davis Street tunnel to Johnson Park along light rail corridor
- Installation of new path lights
- Installation of public art in tunnel
- Wayfinding signage
- Upgrade of drainage at Terry Road
Johnson Park and Hoskins Park are covered in a separate Masterplan.
View the Dulwich Hill local playgrounds upgrades Masterplan.
Key features:
Upgrade of Johnson Park including an upgraded path and playground
Design summary:
- New playground in Johnson Park
- Upgraded picnic shelters
- Upgraded paths in Johnson Park
- Creation of new 3.5m wide shared path
- Installation of new path lights
- Installation of public art
- Installation of street furniture
- Landscaping and ecological restoration
- Wayfinding signage
Key features:
A tunnel under Constitution Road and an elevated pathway through the light rail corridor from Constitution Road to New Canterbury Road
Design summary:
- Tunnel under Constitution Road from Johnson Park into the light rail corridor
- New raised path from constitution Road tunnel along light rail and under New Canterbury Road
- Removal of invasive non-native flora
- Revegetation (native species and trees)
- Installation of new path lights
- Installation of public art in tunnel
- Installation of new rest stop
- Wayfinding signage
Key feature:
A new path and upgraded natural areas in the light rail corridor near Hercules Street (natural creek line to be retained and protected)
Design summary:
- Creation of new 3.5m wide shared path in the light rail corridor
- Removal of invasive non-native flora
- Revegetation (native species and trees)
- Installation of new path lights
- Installation of public art
- Installation of rest stop
- Wayfinding signage
Video presentation of the draft design plan
Explore artist impressions