Project updates

Project details

At the end of 2022 we engaged our community to make sure these playgrounds meet their needs and interests.

The key aim in both playgrounds is to enhance play opportunities and improve facilities to cater to a diversity of ages and abilities.

Johnson Park and Hoskins Park playgrounds are due for an upgrade as part of the implementation of the Dulwich Hill Parklands Plan of Management. The Master Plans for each playground will form the basis of the designs. You can view the Master Plans in Part 2 of the Plan of Management.

Construction will occur in conjunction with GreenWay works. Once complete, Johnson and Hoskins Parks will be connected by an accessible path along the light rail corridor. You can view the GreenWay concept designs and keep track of the progress on the GreenWay website.

We’re hoping you can help us to design two unique yet complimentary spaces to suit your needs. Should each playground have its own theme, or should the theme be the same so you can continue a playful adventure from one space to the next? Should one be a specialised playground for intergenerational play, while the other is aimed at older children?

We’re open to your ideas – let us know what you think!

Feedback has now closed

The engagement period has now closed. We are busy reviewing your feedback and will report back on what we've heard.

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What happens next?

  • Engagement Outcomes Report

    We will review the feedback provided by the community and prepare an Engagement Outcomes Report

  • Concept designs

    Council will develop concept designs based on the visions provided by the community

  • Construction

    We will begin construction of the playground