• 27% lived in Balmain and 20% lived in Lilyfield

  • 55 young people completed the online survey

  • 16 young people took part in an in-person workshop

  • 256 people visited this webpage

  • You loved the study spaces, quiet spaces and books available

  • You would visit more if there was more comfortable spaces, more material to borrow and more workshops

  • The main reason you visit is to read, study and borrow materials

  • You described the library as quiet, peaceful and comfortable

  • You liked the decorations, computers and comfortable furniture

  • You didn't like the lack of bean bags and that the teen room was too small

  • If you had unlimited funds, you would build a new cafe or a games room with VR headset

Project details

Council is in the process of upgrading Balmain Library and we want to know how we make this space more inviting, useful and enjoyable for young people.

Be in the chance to win $50 by completing an online survey. Last day to complete the survey is Sunday 16 July 2023.