Project updates

Project details

Council is looking for your ideas to plan for the future of Balmain Town Hall Precinct. The precinct takes in the area from Balmain PCYC to the new Balmain Square. We want to pay tribute to the vitality of the surrounding high street and preserve the important heritage of the area.

Council will also be upgrading the Balmain Library as a priority project in this area to bring the library up to contemporary design standards. The upgrades to the library will be focused on:

  • improving customer experience
  • reviewing the layout of the library and the allocation of space
  • building renewal and repairs including rectification of water damage, access issues and painting

What happens next?

The project team has reviewed feedback and published an Engagement Outcomes Report.

The team will now use the feedback provided and other information to develop the vision and final library designs. Everyone who provided feedback will be updated via email and on this project page.

Survey closed

Vision board closed

Balmain precinct vision board

Do you have any other big ideas you'd like to share about the Balmain precinct? Share them here, or read through other submissions and vote on your favourites.

By uploading content you give staff permission to include material in the Engagement Outcomes Report and other contexts related to the project without seeking additional permission. All images will be credited where possible.