Project updates

Project details

Inner West Council and Heworth Holdings Group are proposing to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement which would take effect on the date it is executed by both parties.

Concurrently the NSW Government is proceeding with the compulsory acquisition of the former Balmain Leagues Club site as excavation site for harbour tunnel. Find out more.

What is a Voluntary Planning Agreement?

Find out about the Development Application history.

The Voluntary Agreement

Key features of the Agreement

Public benefits

VPA Item


25 Year lease of 200sq.m Level 1 Commercial Space

The space will be leased to Council for $1/year for 25 years and will have an area of 200 sqm GFA with a minimum floor to ceiling height of 2.7m. The Lease is to be a Gross lease - the Developer will also make contribution of a maximum of $100,000 for fit out of this space.

Town Square

The space to be made available for Council to hold events in the Town Square (at Council discretion)

Monetary contributions

VPA Item


Monetary contribution for community grants

Cash Contribution of $300,000 to Council

Monetary contribution for affordable housing fund

Cash Contribution of $1,000,000 to Council

Monetary Contribution in Lieu of S94 payments

The developer will provide a monetary contribution of $4,000,000 in lieu of any s94 Contribution to Council - these funds will be spent in the local area – The potential s94 payments for the development would have been around $3.4-3.8 million

Income from Public Parking

The space will be leased to Council for $1/year for 25 years for the 130 publicly accessible car parking – Council would receive all the income – this isn’t including a parking fee Council might receive during the lease term

Local infrastructure

VPA Item


Footpaths to Victoria St and Waterloo St

Dedication for additional footpath widening to Victoria Road & Waterloo Street frontages (in stratum)

Pedestrian Link from Darling Street - Heritage Lane

Construction of a pedestrian link (ie the proposed retail arcade) from the proposed development to the Darling Street shop frontage as shown on the DDCP

Darling Lane

The space would be made available to Council via a right of way easement, in order to provide access for Darling Street properties and to pedestrianise the through site link.

Tigers Lane

The space to be made available for Council to hold events in the Town Square. This would provide the general public access and enjoyment, as well as for council to hold community events and for community groups to utilise.

Bicycle Parking for shoppers, employees and residents – also Community car share scheme with a minimum of two car share spaces - Provide a designated area, in an easily accessible place within the development, for taxis to pick up and drop off.

Provide associated items

Read the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement.docx

More information

Have your say

Online: by completing the submission form
By mail: addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, attention to Bojan Sodic.

Submissions close on 28 February 2021

What happens next?

After the exhibition closes, your feedback will be reported to Council to decide whether to enter into the VPA or not. The report will be considered by Council at its meeting. Anyone who makes a submission will be notified of the Council meeting.