Project updates
Project details
At its meeting on 3 March 2020 Council decided to hold a Public Meeting to:
'...provide residents with the staff’s analysis of the impacts of the Western Harbour Tunnel and advice to residents in writing their own submissions...'
For more information read the Council meeting minutes item number 14.
Due to the ban on face to face meetings we are delivering Council's response to the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The issues we have raised
Council is committed to voicing the interests of our community and we will continue to provide feedback to the State Government through the appropriate processes.
In our submission we have outlined concerns related to:
- Construction impacts
- Construction traffic and access
- Operational traffic and access
- Air quality impacts
For more information:
Make a submission
You can provide feedback to the State Government via the Department of Planning, Industry, Environment planning portal. Submission close on 30 March 2020.