Project updates

Project details

We want to hear your thoughts on the Tempe Reserve draft Plan of Management and Master Plan.


We are required to have Plans of Management for all community land in the Inner West. In November 2018, Council adopted an Inner West Open Space Areas Plans of Management Priority List.

In mid 2019, we asked the community how they use Tempe Reserve and how they want to use it into the future. We used that feedback along with expert advice and extensive research to develop the proposed Tempe Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan. The plans were exhibited at the end of 2019 before they went to the NSW Government who approved the land categorisation.

What is happening now?

We developed the final draft Plan of Management and Master Plan with land categorisation approved by the NSW Government and are providing one final opportunity for community comment - did we get it right?

  • Read the draft Plan of Management PDF which covers the planning, use and management of the parks over the next 10 years and includes licenses and leases
  • Read the draft Master Plan which outlines a vision and actions for improvement over the next 10 years

Key proposals

We have highlighted some of the things that we are proposing for Tempe Reserve

  • Improve road safety
  • Introduce a synthetic sports field
  • Introduce a dragon boat storage facility
  • Medium term replacement of the Robyn Webster sports centre with new indoor sports facilities including spaces for arts and music, and a community café
  • Demolish the former Jets club
  • Demolish old bowling club and greens, and dedicate the space to community use
  • Increase quantity and quality of amenities
  • Preserve, enhance and increase the area of natural environment and native bushland

Synthetic sports field

Since the plans were exhibited in 2019, Council has decided to proceed with one or two of the three original proposed synthetic sports fields. Council will receive a report about the synthetic turf construction tender in October 2020. The future use of the sports fields will be subject to an advertised expression of interest process.

Dog Off-Leash Park Relocation

Tempe Lands will support the construction of Sydney Gateway - a new toll-free connection from the Sydney motorway network to the Airport precinct and beyond. During the early stages of construction, Sydney Gateway will move the Dog off-leash park to a new park in Tempe Reserve near the Village Green. The temporary dog park will provide two areas – one for small and one for larger dogs. Rubbish bins, a drinking fountain, fencing and lighting will be provided. We will update the community on the timing and new location with signs in Tempe Reserve, as well as notices on the Sydney Gateway web portal, Council website and social media posts.

Inner West Council and Sydney Gateway are working together to provide more open space in Tempe to the community when construction of Sydney Gateway is complete. Sydney Gateway is contributing towards the recreation facilities for Tempe Lands outlined in Council’s Master Plan. A new permanent dog park will open before the temporary one is closed to ensure that the park continues to meet the needs of the community. For more information please visit Sydney Gateway portal or contact the Sydney Gateway team 1800 654 446.

Clarification re cricket wickets in the draft Master Plan

Council has altered some wording in the draft Master Plan to clarify that two cricket fields will still be located at Tempe Reserve under the proposed plan with one synthetic cricket wicket to be included in the synthetic AFL field. Please read the updated section.

Have your say

Read through the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan and let us know what you think by filling out the feedback form.

The last day to provide feedback is Sunday 27 September 2020.

What happens next?

After the engagement period, the Parks and Recreation Planning team will review and consider community feedback before finalising the plans. The plans will then go to the elected Council for adoption.

Other ways to give your feedback

We want to make sure everybody has the opportunity to provide ideas and feedback.

If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You will need to provide our phone number 02 9335 2267.

If you are Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us through the National Relay Service. You will need to provide our phone number 02 9335 2267.