Project updates

Project details

Council is leading a positive shift towards sustainable urban living through the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). This document will guide land use in the Inner West over the next 20 years.

Sustainable and coordinated land use will support more renewable energy, local waste reduction, shared transport and local business. The LSPS will also guide the alignment of population growth and infrastructure.

How was the statement developed?

We have built on evidence-based studies created with community input and neighbourhood surveys to link Inner West community values and priorities with Greater Sydney Commission plans to manage future challenges.

The LSPS will act as a link between the NSW Government's Regional and District plans, and the finer-grained planning undertaken by Council at a local level to ensure consistency in strategic planning approaches.

What is being proposed?

The draft consists of Council’s vision and a set of planning priorities, objectives and actions under six themes

  • Ecological sustainability
  • Unique, liveable, networked neighbourhoods
  • Sustainable transport
  • Creative communities and strong economy
  • Caring, happy, healthy communities
  • Progressive local leadership

View the draft documents:

In hard copy at:

Have your say

Your input will help guide land use, new development and how we live and work in the Inner West.

  • Online, by completing the Local Strategic Planning Statement survey. If you are an organisation, business or a group and you have prepared a written submission you can provide your feedback here.
  • By mail, Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, Reference number 19/SF331
  • In person at:
    • an in information session in your area

Public exhibition closes Sunday 27 October 2019.

If you are Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us through the National Relay Service. You will need to provide our phone number 02 9392 5167.

If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You will need to provide our phone number 02 9392 5167.

What happens after the exhibition period closes?

After the exhibition period closes, Council will consider the submissions and make any amendments to the LSPS as required. The LSPS will then be considered at a meeting of Council for submission to the State Government for support.

The Department of Planning Industry and Environment and the Greater Sydney Commission will review the LSPS to ensure that matters raised during exhibition have been addressed and that the LSPS, as amended, is consistent with the Regional Plan and the Eastern City District Plan.

The LSPS is required to be finalised and in place by 31 March 2020.

The Local Strategic Planning Statement will then guide Council’s Land Use Planning Framework; our consolidated Local Environmental Plan, draft Development Control Plan and consolidated Developer Contributions Plan.