Project update

Project details

Inner West Council and Ooh!media Assets Pty Ltd are proposing to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) which would take effect on the date it is executed by both parties.

What is in the agreement?

The Voluntary Planning Agreement is in relation to the development of 469 - 473 Princess Highway, Sydenham.

The development will:

  • Replace an existing static advertising sign with an electronic advertising sign of similar dimension
  • Provide landscaping and a new hardstand parking area

Key features of the agreement

  • Ooh!media Assets Pty Ltd will provide a monetary contribution to Inner West Council for the five (5) year period of the consent of $15,000 pa indexed
  • Ooh!media Assets Pty Ltd Pty will allocate to Council 5% of the display time within each loop of images displayed on the digital advertising sign which is the subject of the Consent for Council to display community and civic related messages

Have your say

Other way to provide feedback

  • By mail, addressed to Peter Gainsford General Manager, Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049.
  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5347.
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767
  • To request a paper copy of the Agreement and feedback form, please call Scott Mullens on 93925741.

Last day for submissions is Monday, 28 November 2022.

What happens next?

After the exhibition closes, your feedback will be reported to Council who will then decide whether to enter into the VPA or not. The report will be considered by Council at its meeting. Anyone who makes a submission will be notified of the Council meeting.