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Did you know that 79.5% of waste generated by Inner Westies’ can be avoided, reused or recycled?
The draft Zero Waste Strategy outlines five priorities to redirect these resources from landfill and stop over-consumption through repair and reuse opportunities. The draft Strategy focuses on Council's operations and services – making sure we walk the talk. Together we can reduce the impact our consumption has on the environment.
Video transcript
Can 79.5% of stuff thrown in the bin by Inner Westies’ be avoided, reused or recycled?
We think so!
By not making so much rubbish in the first place.
By reducing food scraps.
By recycling and buying preloved items.
By responsibly disposing of chemicals and e-waste.
Through working with neighbours and your Inner West Council.
Inner West居民扔進垃圾箱的79.5%垃圾是否可以避免不扔、重用或回收?
通過與您的鄰居和Inner West市議會合作
我們能說您的語言。 如需免費傳譯服務,請致電131 450, 然後請傳譯員致電02 9392 5859接通 Inner West市政府。
Inner West居民扔进垃圾箱的东西能减少、再利用或者回收79.5%吗?
通过与您的邻居和Inner West市议会合作
我们说普通话。 如需免费传译服务,请致电131 450, 然后请传译员致电 02 9392 5859接通 Inner West市政府
Có thể tránh, tái sử dụng hoặc tái chế 79,5% rác do người dân vùng Inner West bỏ vào thùng rác hay không? Chúng tôi nghĩ có thể chứ!
Bằng cách không tạo ra quá nhiều rác ngay từ đầu.
Bằng cách giảm thức ăn bỏ đi.
Bằng cách tái chế và mua các mặt hàng đã qua sử dụng.
Bằng cách thải bỏ hóa chất và rác thải điện tử một cách có ý thức.
Bằng cách hợp tác với hàng xóm và Hội đồng Thành phố Inner West của quý vị.
79,5% das coisas deitadas no lixo pelos residentes do Inner West podem ser evitadas, reutilizadas ou recicladas? Pensamos que sim!
Começando por não fazer tanto lixo.
Reduzindo restos de comida.
Através da reciclagem e compra de itens já usados.
Eliminando de forma responsável produtos químicos e resíduos eletrónicos.
Através da colaboração com os vizinhos e o Inner West Council.
Falamos a sua língua. Para falar com um intérprete gra tuitamente ligue para 131 450. Peça-lhes para ligar para o Inner West Council no número 9392 5000.
Il 79.5% delle cose gettate nei bidoni dagli abitanti dell’Inner West può essere evitato, riutilizzato o riciclato? Noi pensiamo di sì!
Innanzitutto non creando così tanti rifiuti.
Riducendo gli avanzi di cibo.
Riciclando e comprando articoli usati.
Gettando in modo responsabile prodotti chimici e rifiuti elettronici.
Collaborando con i vicini e il vostro Comune dell’Inner West.
Parliamo la vostra lingua. Per parlare gratuitamente con un interprete chiamate il numero 131 450. Chiedetegli di chiamare il Comune di Inner West al numero 02 9392 5859.
Μπορεί ν’ αποφευχθεί, επαναχρησιμοποιηθεί ή ανακυκλωθεί το 79,5% των απορριμμάτων που πετούν οι κάτοικοι του Inner West. Νομίζουμε ναι!
Πρώτα απ’ όλα να μη δημιουργούμε τόσα πολλά σκουπίδια.
Να μειώσουμε τα απορρίμματα τροφίμων.
Ν’ ανακυκλώνουμε και ν’ αγοράζουμε μεταχειρισμένα αντικείμενα.
Να πετάμε υπεύθυνα χημικά προϊόντα και ηλεκτρονικά απόβλητα.
Μέσω συνεργασίας με τους γείτονες μας και το Δήμο σας του Inner West.
Μιλάμε τη γλώσσα σας. Για να μιλήσετε δωρεάν σε διερμηνέα καλέστε το 131 450. Ζητήστε τους να καλέσουν το Δήμο Inner West Council στο 02 9392 5859.
How was the draft developed?
During 2019, over 600 people participated in a community survey and series of focus groups that tested their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards thinking of waste as a resource. Insights from this study were incorporated into the draft Zero Waste Strategy.
In March 2020, the Inner West Environmental Advisory Committee peer-reviewed the draft Strategy. Their feedback has been incorporated into the version on public exhibition.
Now, the wider community can have their say.
Have your say
What do you think of the proposed priorities and targets? You can provide feedback:
- Online via the feedback form
- Organisations can upload their response via the organisation form
- Call us via a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service. Ask them to call us Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm on 9335 2139.
- For a free interpreter call via TIS National on 131 450
- For voice relay call 1300 555 727
- TTY call 133 677
- SMS relay call 0423 677 767
Final day for comments Wednesday, 2 June 2021.
What happens next?
Feedback will be reviewed and considered before the final version goes to Council for endorsement. Everyone who provides feedback will receive an update when this goes to Council for a decision.