
Deferred by Council

9 December 2022

On Tuesday 8 November 2022 Council considered community feedback about the draft Development Control Plan. Council decided to defer its decision and seek more information.

Read the Council resolution below

That Council defer the report to the December meeting to receive a summary table of the criteria for applications in the draft DCP in comparison to the existing DCP.

On Tuesday 6 December 2022 Council considered the Draft Tree DCP report again and deferred its decision until March 2023.

Read the Council resolution below

That Council defer the report to the March 2023 Council meeting in order to receive a councillor workshop on the criteria for applications in the draft DCP in comparison to the existing DCP, including: an explanation of the assessments referenced in the draft DCP criteria, and a plan for appropriate compliance activities, including a compliance certificate system and other activities to ensure planting of replacement trees.