Community feedback dates

Monday 17 April - Monday 22 May

We are developing a public domain master plan for Marrickville Town Centre to guide future planning for Marrickville Town Centre.

We want to create an inclusive and pedestrian-oriented retail precinct that supports healthy communities and celebrates the vibrancy of the Marrickville community.

The master plan will set a ten-year vision to guide improvements to Marrickville’s main streets, bring laneways to life, celebrate local cultures, create more spaces for play and improve walking and cycling.

The master plan aims to:

  • Improve walkability and wayfinding
  • Embed sustainable features and active transport links
  • Ensure the precinct remains activated and vibrant
  • Create accessible, inclusive and safe places
  • Improve the street amenity, including lighting, seating and greenery
  • Enhance the setting and opportunities for the local day and night-time economy.

Inner West Council will develop Marrickville Town Centre Public Domain Master Plan in collaboration with our community, businesses and stakeholders.

We want to hear what you love and what you want to change so we can improve Marrickville Town Centre into the future.

We will also seek targeted input from local businesses, school students, advisory committees and other community stakeholders.

Your input will help us understand what the community values, what the Master Plan should include and how to prioritise the work.

A public domain master plan is a 10-year document that guides future planning of our public and shared spaces. This includes footpaths, cycleways, street trees and vegetation, public art, street furniture, pedestrian lighting and paving materials. Master plans aim to improve access and amenity and to create a shared vision for our public places.

Master plans are developed in collaboration with community members and stakeholders. It is used by Council, private developers, businesses and our communities for the following:

  • Design direction and standards information for Planning Proposal and Development Application processes
  • Voluntary Planning Agreement negotiations
  • Support prioritisation and allocation of budget in Council’s Capital Works Program
  • Support grant funding opportunities
  • Help to develop a common vision for our public domain improvements.

This engagement has finished. Thanks to all who provided feedback.

This activity has finished. Thanks to all who participated.