Celebrating the unique cultures and identity of Marrickville

We are developing a Public Domain Master Plan for Marrickville Town Centre to guide future planning for this busy and vibrant town centre.

We want to create an inclusive and pedestrian-oriented retail precinct that supports healthy communities and celebrates the vibrancy of the Marrickville community.

The Master Plan will set a ten-year vision to guide improvements to Marrickville’s main streets, bring laneways to life, celebrate local cultures, create more spaces for play and improve walking and cycling.

The Master Plan aims to:

  • Improve walkability and wayfinding
  • Embed sustainable features and active transport links
  • Ensure the precinct remains activated and vibrant
  • Create accessible, inclusive and safe places
  • Improve the street amenity, including lighting, seating and greenery
  • Enhance the setting and opportunities for the local day and night-time economy.

Project stages

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1 - Initial feedback

    April - May 2023
    The information you provide will inform the options that will be used in the next stage.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Stage 2 - Community workshops and survey

    Testing options for improvement.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Drafting - the draft Master Plan Marrickville Town Centre is being prepared

    Design and development of the Draft Public Domain Master Plan for Marrickville Town Centre

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Stage 3 - Public Exhibition of Draft Public Domain Masterplan

    The Draft Public Domain Master Plan will be exhibited to the community for feedback and commentary.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Under review

    We are reviewing your comments and preparing the final Master Plan and report for Council.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Decision by Council

    Your elected representatives will decide whether to adopt the Master Plan.

What is happening now?

In early 2023 we asked the community for local knowledge about places and spaces in Marrickville Town Centre.

Feedback from the community, key stakeholders and expert advice has been used to develop principles and projects ideas for improving this busy and vibrant town centre.

We are now at stage two which will help us further understand what the community values and what the Master Plan should include.

Between 17 April and 22 May we asked for your local knowledge of Marrickville Town Centre.

Key points on engagement methods and results:

1344 page visits

244 online contributions:

  • 184 pins dropped on the map
  • 60 surveys completed online

Top three topics highlighted by pins on the map:

  • Spaces for people 72
  • Pedestrian access 22
  • Parking and traffic 20
  • Bike infrastructure 20

For more information click here

Marrickville Town Centre - study area boundary

Areal of the study area

Have your say

We invite you to contribute by expressing your interest in attending a community workshop or completing the survey below. Your input will help us understand what the community values, what the Master Plan should include and how to further prioritise the work.

Workshop dates

Monday 13 November 2023


Tuesday 21 November 2023


What happens next?

  • Community workshops and survey

    Testing of options for improvements.

  • Draft Plan on public exhibition

    We will check back with you. Did we get it right?

  • Decision by Council

    Council will consider the Engagement Outcome report and the final draft for adoption.