Project updates
Project details
Feedback dates
How did we get here?
Stage 1 - In October 2019 we asked your feedback on a bike route upgrade including unidirectional cycleway, between Sydenham Station and the Princes Highway at Mary Street, St Peters.
Stage 2 - Your comments informed a new detailed design to improve functionality and enhance traffic safety. We asked for feedback on the new plan in May 2020.
Stage 3 - Comments from 2020 were used to create a new version of the detailed design which replaced the unidirectional cycleway with a separated bi-directional cycleway for all users. This design is now open for final consultation before it goes to Council's Traffic Committee for review in November and to Council for final decision in December 2024.
Council is improving bike routes between Sydenham Station and the St Peters Interchange cycleway, St Peters. This will create a safer connection for bike riders between Marrickville and the city via existing cycleways on Campbell Street and Bourke Road.
Review the detailed designs
Detailed designs show the anticipated changes along the route including landscaping, new signage and road markings, where the dedicated two way bike lane will be and more. There will be an overall net gain of four time limited parking spaces including:
New 4 x 1 Hour parking spaces on Sydenham Station side of Burrows Avenue.
3 x 1 Hour parking spaces opposite Sydenham Station side of Burrows Avenue.
New 3 x 2 Hour parking spaces near the intersection of Burrows Avenue and George Street.
Location | Improvements |
Burrows Avenue | New 4 x 1 Hour parking spaces on Sydenham Station side of Burrows Avenue. 3 x 1 Hour parking spaces opposite Sydenham Station side of Burrows Avenue. New 3 x 2 Hour parking spaces near the intersection of Burrows Avenue and George Street. New reduced No Parking Provisions on Station side of Burrows Avenue. New bi-directional separated cycle lane. Raised existing Zebra crossing Footpath widened at the corners of Gleeson Avenue and Burrows Avenue. Footpath widened for new share path. Separation strip with landscaping and street trees. Southbound traffic reduced to two lanes. New signage and line marking to indicate shared path. Improved landscaping. Improved wayfinding signage. Upgrade stormwater infrastructure. Raised continuous footpath treatment across Swaine Street. New traffic signal lanterns with cyclist provisions. New road surface |
Unwins Bridge Road | New gaps cut into the median island to allow bike riders to go straight through on George Street, and bike signal lanterns. |
George Street | New separated cycle lane facilitating Northbound cyclists. New on-road bicycle symbols to communicate mixed traffic. New on-road separated bike lane at the lights to make crossing safer. New bicycle friendly speed cushions and rumble bars. New traffic lights to include a bike symbol. New 2m curb ramp to increase access to Sydenham Green resulting in loss of one car space. Improved way finding signage. |
Henry Street, Grove Street, Bakers Lane | New on-road bicycle symbols to communicate mixed traffic. Improved way finding signage. |
Mary Street | New on-road bicycle symbols to communicate mixed traffic. New signage and line marking to indicate shared path. Improved way finding signage. Widening of the footpath to allow for a shared path resulting in the loss of one car space. New landscape kerb extension resulting in is loss of one parking space. New landscaped kerb blister with new street tree and gutter bridge. New signage and line marking to indicate shared path along Mary Street footpath. Footpath widened and upgraded landscaping with new street trees. |
Have Your Say
You can also provide feedback by:
- Completing the form below
- Emailing to
- Mailing to Inner West Council, Po Box 14, Petersham NSW 2049, c/o Nick Poulos
- Calling us on 9392 5526
Other ways to provide feedback:
- Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5526.
- Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
- Voice relay call 1300 555 727
- TTY call 133 677
- SMS relay call 0423 677 767
Last day to provide feedback is 4 November 2024.
What happens next
All feedback will be reviewed and included in a report to be considered by the Local Traffic Committee on 18 November 2024. The Traffic Committee recommendations will be considered by Council for final decision at its meeting on 3 December 2024. Everyone who provided feedback will be emailed a copy of the report to
Council prior to that date.
Construction is anticipated to commence early 2025. The community will be notified before construction commences.