Project updates
Project updates
Who made a splash in our community?
There are nine spaces in Ashfield Aquatic Centre that can be named. What are your suggestions?
Criteria: local citizens and sports people who are associated with the Pool and the community.
Spaces that can be named include:
- Olympic 50m pool
- Outdoor program pool
- Outdoor leisure pool and family area
- Outdoor marshalling area
- Outdoor grandstand
- Creche
- 2x Group exercise studios
- Indoor pool
Have your say
- Provide suggestions online using the ideas wall
- Call us via a free interpreter: call Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask to speak to Inner West Council on 9392 5000, Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm.
- If you are Deaf or have a speech impairment you can contact us through National Relay Service. You will need to provide Inner West Council's phone number 9392 5000, Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm.
- Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
- TTY number: 133 677
- SMS relay number: 0423 677 767
All suggestions must be received by 19 October 2020.
What happens next?
A panel made up of community representatives will review your suggestions and prepare a recommendation for Council. Panellists are from:
- Ashfield Swimming Club
- Ashfield District Historical Society
- Wests Water Polo Club
- Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee
- A representative of ex-students of swim teacher, Warwick Webster.