
Council decision

2 July 2024

At its meeting on Tuesday 25 June, Council decided:

  1. That Council endorse the Planning Proposal to amend the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 to designate six new Special Entertainment Precincts (SEPs) and make a minor extension to the Enmore Road SEP to be submitted to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces seeking a Gateway Determination under Section 3.33 and 3.34 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.
  2. That Council place the Planning Proposal and draft DCP amendments on community consultation in accordance with Council's Community Engagement Framework to meet the requirements of the Gateway Determination, Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, should the Planning Proposal receive a favourable Gateway Determination
  3. That Council develops an expression of interest process to add to the SEP isolated venues that are appropriately located.
  4. That Council request delegation from the Minister for Planning to manage the plan making functions of the Planning Proposal.
  5. That Council authorise the General Manager to make technical modifications to the Planning Proposal, Development Control Plan, and Special Entertainment Precinct Management Plan prior to exhibition.