Project updates

Project details

Council is aware of concerns from residents regarding long stay parking near the WestConnex Rozelle Interchange work site. Last year Transport for New South Wales undertook community engagement on an area-wide Rozelle Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) to address these concerns. The proposal did not received support from a majority of the residents and was not implemented.

To address the ongoing concerns, Council can introduce a Residential Parking Scheme for a smaller area that is adjacent to the work site. The streets impacted are bounded by Foucart Street on the west, O'Neill Street and Easton Street on the north, Denison Street on the east and Lilyfield Road on the south.


The timed parking restrictions would include:

  • '2P 8am-6pm Permit Holders excepted Area R1' in Foucart Street (between Lilyfield Road and O'Neill Street), Hutcheson Street, Alice Street, Denison Street, Easton Street, Albert Street and Cashman Street in Rozelle
  • '2P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 4P 8am-1pm Sat' in Denison Street frontage of Easton Park.

If the RPS is introduced, signage enforcing the 10m 'No Stopping' zone at all intersections must be installed (as per NSW Road Rules). Any existing parking restrictions such as mobility parking zones, timed restricted parking, 'No Parking' and 'No Stopping' zones will remain in place.

How does this impact residents within the boundary?

In accordance with Council's Resident Parking Scheme Policy:

  • Properties with no off street parking spaces and one vehicle registered at the property are eligible for one resident parking permits
  • Properties with no off street parking spaces and two or more vehicles registered at the property are eligible for two resident parking permits
  • Properties with one off street parking space and one vehicle registered at the property are not eligible for a resident parking permit
  • Properties with one off street parking spaces and two or more vehicles registered at the property are eligible for one resident parking permit
  • Properties with two or more off street parking spaces and one or more vehicles registered at the property are not eligible for a resident parking permit
  • One visitor parking permit will be offered per eligible property
  • Dual occupancies, multi-unit dwellings and the strata subdivision of residential flat buildings approved after January 2001 are not allowed to participate in a RPS as off-street parking should be provided in accordance with Council’s parking development control plan (DCP)
  • Parking permits are not available for boats (on trailers), box trailers, caravans, buses and trucks (i.e. vehicles greater than three tonnes GVM).

Have your say

Residents within the precinct boundary are encouraged to participate. You can provide feedback:

  • Online using the feedback form
  • By post: Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham, 2049

Final day for comments is 5pm Friday, 25 June 2021.

What happens next?

All feedback will be reviewed and considered. At least 50% of residents who have been directly notified within the precinct boundary need to respond and support this proposal for it to progress to the Local Traffic Committee. Please note, each household is counted once. If supported, staff will prepare a recommendation to be considered by the Local Traffic Committee. This report will combine your feedback with other information about the parking situation.

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