
Council Decision - Rozelle Parklands all weather surface sporting field

18 March 2024

At its meeting on Tuesday 5 March 2024, Council considered a report including community feedback about the all weather surface sporting field. Council made that following decision:

  1. That Council receive and note the report.
  2. That Council continue investigation into the installation of all-weather surface at one or more of Leichhardt 2, Easton Park, Waterfront Drive (Callan Park) and Balmain Road (Callan Park).
  3. That Council staff engage representatives from the sporting clubs that made submissions including Balmain District Football Club, Leichhardt Saints, Leichhardt Wanderers Cricket Club, Balmain Junior Rugby Club, Balmain South Sydney Cricket Club, Balmain Little Athletics, Glebe District Hockey Club, Inner West Harbour Cricket, Cricket NSW, Canterbury District Football Association and Football NSW and with a view to supporting them to agree jointly to a suitable location, and including discussion of how clubs that do not prefer an all-weather surface can be accommodated at other venues.
  4. That Council note the Chief Scientist and Engineer’s Independent review into the design, use and impacts of synthetic turf in public open spaces 13 October 2022 recognises that “in a context of constrained resources and climate futures, councils have the challenging task of managing competing values and interests, including availability and application of open space.”
  5. That Council note that the report identifies that environmental impact is highly dependent on site-specific factors, and identifies potential ways to mitigate negative environmental issues when planning and delivering, (e.g. design features, like a dropped level of field relative to surrounding area, can limit transport of plastics).