
Engagement Outcomes Report - Peace Reserve

28 November 2023

Between 29 August and 13 October of this year we asked you to comment on two proposals for this urban oasis.

Key points on the consultation include:

  • the Your Say Inner West project paged was visited 532 times
  • the draft concept plans were downloaded 29 times
  • the public exhibition was promoted through posters in the park, and letters to the surrounding residents
  • 11 contributions were received online
  • 1 email contributions

Community pop-up session

One two hour onsite pop up session was held at the Reserve.

24 people attended and provided feedback on the concept proposals.

What happens next?

At its meeting on Tuesday 5 December 2023, Council will consider a report including community feedback decide which concept plan it will support.

If you wish to speak at the Council meeting, you will need to register by 2pm on Tuesday 5 December.