Project updates
Project details
What is this project about?
Council’s Main Streets Program aims to improve the vibrancy and safety of public spaces and local streets. Improving the character of public spaces and local streets make them more inviting for the community as well as reducing crime and improving safety.
Re-imagining the use of public spaces and regenerating them can enhance the lives of the community and assist economic growth by providing settings to attract visitation and local spend and creating places to go to, not move through. Peace Reserve is part of the Main Streets Program and Council has developed a concept plan for the reserve.
What is being proposed?
The following improvements are proposed to make Peace Reserve more welcoming and enhance its use and activity:
- Installing diverse range of seating
- Creating of new public art
- Installing new lighting
- Enhancing the garden character of the reserve
- Increasing colour and light
- Reducing the number of trees to enhance visibility and natural light
- Allowing for short term activation for example table tennis
Council has developed two proposals:
- Short-term plan focusing on activation of the space including thinning the existing tree canopy to improve light filtration, new landscaping, new seating area and new play sculptures.
- Long-term improvements focusing on creating a meeting space that will attract people to stay and relax, take a break from the business of King Street. Proposed improvements include new nature strip, selective removal of trees to allow garden beds to flourish, new seating throughout the reserve.
What could be...
Details Short-term proposal
To enlarge this image please click on the double arrow in the top right hand corner.

Details Long-term proposal
To enlarge this image please click on the double arrow in the top right hand corner.

Have your say
this consultation is closed. Thanks to all who provided feedback.
Other ways to provide feedback
- By mail, addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, c/o Aaron Callaghan
- Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5634
- Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
- Voice relay call 1300 555 727
- TTY call 133 677
- SMS relay call 0423 677 767
- If you would like a paper copy of the documents please contact Aaron Callaghan on 02 9392 5634
Last day to provide feedback is Friday 13 October 2023.
What happens next?
The feedback received will be considered for incorporation into the final plans. All those who provided feedback will be advised when the Engagement Outcomes Report is published.