Council decision at 13 February 2024
20 February 2024
C0224(1) Item 3 Parramatta Road Corridor Stage 1 Proposal (PRCUTS) - Preliminary Engagement Outcomes
Motion: (Scott/Byrne)
At its meeting on February 13 2024 it was resolved :
1.That Council note that the Roads Minister John Graham has confirmed that the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) submission on the Parramatta Road Planning Proposal for proposed road widenings has been withdrawn.
2. That Council seek formal written confirmation from TfNSW that their submission on proposed road widenings is withdrawn.
3. That Council note that the WestConnex approval conditions required dedicated public transport lanes, that were not delivered by the previous NSW Government.
4. That Council continue to advocate for a dedicated rapid public transport lane that fits the existing width of Parramatta Road and does not rely on road widening, by writing to the Minister of Transport and include it in the Council’s submissions on the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy (PRCUTS).
5. That Council seek support from the Ministers for Planning, Roads, and Minister for Transport for the delivery of TfNSW owned 2 Hay Street, Leichhardt as new open space in Leichhardt precinct in line with the PRCUTS.
6. That Council seek an urgent meeting with the Secretary of the Department of Planning:
a) on the above points 2 to 5;
b) on delays associated with finalising this Planning Proposal given the need to resolve the State Agency submissions (TfNSW/ Dept Environment/ Sydney Water); and
c) to clarify the interaction of the Diverse and Well-Located Housing proposal and PRCUTS.
7. That without delay, following the resolution of issues outlined in items 2 5 6, any and all reports be brought back to Council for finalisation of PRCUTS at the next possible meeting.
8. That in addition to West Leichhardt section of the Taverner’s Hill Precinct, Council gives priority to the rezoning for housing and/or mixed uses of the lots on Parramatta Road in the Taverners Hill precinct, noting:
a) that the Best & Less site at 657-673 Parramatta Road is available for immediate acquisition, is adjacent to the West Leichhardt precinct and is closer to the Light Rail stop;
b) that the redevelopment for housing of such a site would be more immediate than the process of the amalgamating privately owned residential lots as proposed for West Leichhardt, which could take decades; and
c) that the Best & Less site could be immediately acquired by the NSW government for a model development of urgently needed public and affordable housing.
9. That the acquisition of the Best & Less site for public and affordable housing would correct the almost complete absence of ‘affordable’ housing in the current Proposal – some 15 dwellings out of a projected 1516 new dwellings or just 1 percent.
10. That the Minister for Planning, the Premier and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure be informed of the Taverners Hill changes and the recommendation to the NSW government to acquire the Best & Less site for public and affordable housing.