Project updates
Project details
During 2017, Council sought the community's views on the current use and future vision for Marrickville Road (East). This section of Marrickville Road connects Marrickville town centre with Sydenham Station. The feedback received from the community has been used to develop the draft Marrickville Road (East) Public Domain Master Plan which will guide future streetscape improvements over the next 10 years.
What is happening now?
The Council has developed a draft master plan for Marrickville Road (East). Key features of the plan are:
- Installing new street furniture including pedestrian seats, drink fountains, rubbish bins and bicycle racks
- Prioritising pedestrians over traffic by installing ‘threshold treatments’ at crossings and intersections
- Installing an additional north-south pedestrian crossing along Marrickville Road (East)
- Improving safety by enlarging kerbs at street intersections with planting areas.
- Paving footpaths
- Providing a separated bicycle lane along Marrickville Road, connecting with the regional routes to the west (Meeks Road), north (along Sydney Street and Railway Avenue)
- Retaining existing trees
- Replacing low quality trees with new mature trees appropriate for their location
- Installing new pedestrian lighting along the street
- Retaining existing bus stop locations
- Retaining existing car parking and business driveway accesses
- Retaining the existing heritage walls along Marrickville Road and Railway Parade
- Using the existing wall along Marrickville Road for public art