
What we heard about your experiences of flooding

1 June 2023

Between 7 March and 6 April 2023 we sought your feedback on the Alexandra Canal Flood Risk Management Study and Plan. The purpose of the engagement was to understand resident experiences of stormwater and flooding within the Alexandra Canal catchment and to identify preferences for flood management options.

Key points on the engagement methods and results:

  • The Your Say Inner West project page was viewed 473 times
  • No community members shared their experiences of flooding via the online survey
  • One person contributed to the interactive map
  • One person attended a drop-in session to ask questions and share their experiences
  • The adopted Flood Study was downloaded 20 times

Feedback received during this engagement has been passed on to Council's consultant and will assist with developing flood mitigation options for these catchments. A detailed study will be prepared and placed on exhibition towards the end of 2023.