
Introduction of resident parking not to proceed

2 March 2020

At its meeting on 25 February 2020 Council adopted the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) regarding the Croydon Parking strategy.

The Local Traffic Committee recommended that:

  1. The final Croydon Parking Study be noted
  2. In view of the results of the Public Exhibition, stage 1 and 2 of the Croydon Parking Strategy not be supported at this time
  3. Further consideration of street specific resident parking scheme for the Croydon area cease for 24 months until February 2022
  4. Parking conditions be monitored on streets surrounding the Ashfield Aquatic Centre after its reopening in 2020
  5. Any future parking review for the Croydon area is to be undertaken using data collected from the Croydon Parking Study.

Want to know more? Read the LTC agenda and view the meeting minutes.