Project updates
Project details
Council is improving bicycle routes across the inner west to make it safer, more convenient and enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities to ride a bike. One of the routes Council is planning to improve is between Dulwich Hill and Marrickville train stations. Draft design plans for these improvements have been developed which you are invited to provide feedback on.
The process so far
In 2016, Council invited the community to provide feedback about riding a bike along this route. The feedback received, along with technical assessments of the study area, was used to develop a draft concept plan. Community members were then invited to give feedback on the draft concept plan in June and August 2016 and the comments received informed a final concept plan. The final plan was then considered and approved by Council at a meeting on 28 February 2017.
What’s happening now?
Draft design plans have been developed which provide more detail for implementing the route improvements.
What is being proposed?
- Creating a new kerb extension and off road, separated bi-directional bicycle path and footpath with landscaping along the northern side of Dudley Street
- Planting six new trees and removing three existing trees on Dudley Street where the cycleway and wider footpath would be built
- Building two sections of a shared path on Livingstone Road between Albermarle Street and Moncur Street
- Replacing the gate at the western end of Herb Greedy Place with bollards to allow free movement for people on bikes
- Painting bicycle symbols on the road to indicate mixed traffic lanes in Albermarle Street, Moncur Street, Jersey Street, Herb Greedy Place and Warburton Street and
- Installing a new contraflow bicycle lane at the eastern end of Herb Greedy Lane
- The draft plan uses the following existing infrastructure to complete the route
- the on road bicycle path in School Parade
- the shared path between School Parade and Kays Avenue East
- the off road shared path between Kays Avenue East and Albermarle Street and
- mixed traffic lanes on Albermarle Street
Other proposed changes:
- Two bus stops would be relocated
- Dudley Street, Dulwich Hill - the bus stop at the northern side of Dudley Street would move approximately 50 metres towards School Parade.
- Livingstone Road, opposite Moncur Street – the bus stop on the western side of Livingstone Road would move eight metres north.
- Additional bicycle parking would be installed on Dudley Street, Warburton Street and at the entrance to McNeilly Park.
- Minor changes to some existing pedestrian refuges
- Relevant signs and road marking would be installed to increase safety for all road and path users
More information
- See the draft design plans
- For more details - view the Signage and Line Markings plan and the General Arrangements plan
Parking changes
The draft plans would result in three on-street parking spaces being removed on Dudley Street. All vehicle access to properties along the route will remain.
For more information and an explanation of terms, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions
Have your say
You can provide feedback by completing the form below. The last day for feedback is Thursday 23 November 2017
What happens next?
All feedback received will be reviewed and considered by Council. A report, including the community’s feedback, will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee at a meeting on 7 December 2017. The recommendations of the Committee will then be considered by Council in February 2018.
Council will notify everyone who provided feedback of the final decision.