
Council meeting update

11 December 2020

At its meeting on 8 December 2020 Council debated a Notice of Motion to revoke the Leichhardt Park Plan of Management. Council made the following decision:

1. The Plan of Management for Leichhardt Park be readopted by Council with the requirement that the development assessment of the Skate Park is assessed to the same level as a Development Application. This assessment will require that the environmental assessment and public participation for the skate park assessment must be at least the same as the requirements for a Part 4 Development Application, therefore ensuring the community is consulted and able to make submissions. The location of the Skate Park should be retained in Leichhardt Park; and
2. The matter be reported back to Council after the assessment.

For more information read item 11 in Council report and view the meeting minutes.

For more details about the adoption of the Plan of Management see our previous update on this project.