Council is preparing a master plan for Iron Cove Creek to explore whether we could provide a walking and cycling path connecting the Bay Run and Ashfield Aquatic Centre.

The Bay Run is a popular and valued recreational place for exercising and enjoying the outdoors and our new Ashfield Aquatic Centre provides a range of facilities for health, fitness and relaxation.

The Master Plan will explore options for how we could help people walk and cycle with ease to these valued places. We want to learn about your experiences getting around this area on foot and by bike.

The Friends of Iron Cove Creek community group has provided advocacy and community support for this initiative.

The Friends of Iron Cove Creek lobbied councillors to get the master plan started and we are working with them closely as the master plan takes shape. They are also meeting with local Members of Parliament, have obtained a council grant to create a community flyer and they hold local meetings to keep people up to date.

You can see more information about the Friends of Iron Cove creek and complete their survey on the FoICC website.

There are a range of challenges still to be considered including:

  • differing land ownership,
  • underground facilities,
  • traffic issues,
  • road crossings,
  • impacts on homes and businesses along the corridor.

We are working to understand these issues so we can consider the possible route options. Your local experiences and priorities will help us in investigating possible route options.

Council context

On 13 April 2021 Council resolved the following:

  • Notes Friends of Iron Cove Creek advocacy and community support for a pedestrian/cyclist link along Iron Cove Creek from Liverpool Road to the Bay Run, via the Ashfield Pool and:
    • Includes the Iron Cove Creek link in the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan & Cycling Strategy and prioritises implementation through grants, developer contributions and the budget process; and
    • Commence the capital works project by funding a Dobroyd Canal Iron Cove to Ashfield Shared Path Masterplan in 2021/2022, which outlines the proposed program of works, investigates the feasibility of the proposed works and prioritises the delivery of the work

In June 2022 Council adopted our new Community Strategic Plan, Our Inner West 2036. The Plan outlines directions to create liveable connected places and healthy, resilient communities where people can easily walk and cycle to parks and recreational facilities.

The Iron Cove Creek Master Plan will explore potential options as an important part of these strategic directions.

Broader context

The NSW Government has identified a network of green spaces to connect town centres, public transport hubs and major residential areas, known as the Sydney Green Grid. Iron Cove Creek is identified as an opportunity to link the Bay Run and Iron Cove Creek, and eventually link Ashfield and Canterbury.

In the Inner West Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) the Iron Cove corridor is identified as a priority Green Grid link connection the future Kings Bay centre on Parramatta Road with the Bay Run and Ashfield Aquatic Centre.

Share your local knowledge

Are there specific local issues that currently stop you from walking and cycling locally?

Are there places along the corridor that you would visit more if you could walk or cycle there with ease?

Are there schools or childcare facilities that you would like to access on foot or by bike?

Are there places beyond the corridor that you would like us to consider connections to, e.g. Ashfield Station or Callan Park?

Does crossing Parramatta Road, Frederick Street or Ramsay Street play a role in where you go or how you travel?

Engagement closed

We asked for your local input on ideas and visions for the canal. Have a look at what people said on the interactive map.

What happens next?

  • Engagement Outcomes Report

    We will review the feedback provided by the community and prepare an Engagement Outcomes Report

  • Draft Master Plan

    Council will develop a draft Master Plan based on the visions provided by the community

  • Public Exhibition

    The draft Master Plan will be put on public exhibition for you to review