
What we heard - InnerWest@40

20 February 2024

Between Wednesday 11 October and Wednesday 8 November 2023, we sought your feedback on the draft InnerWest@40 Study.

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What happens next?

After reviewing the feedback provided during the public exhibition, and based on the high level of support for the original InnerWest@40 Study, Council:

  • has retained the original consultant study as the basis for the implementation of 40km/hr speed limits on local streets within the Inner West (InnerWest@40Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions”);
  • commissioned an additional separate study to examine opportunities for speed zone rationalisation on State and Regional Roads (InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions”);
  • proposes to continue discussions with TfNSW with a view to implementing 30km/hr speed zoning in the future;
  • will develop its future cycling action plan in a manner which aligns with the InnerWest@40 project.