
Council Decision - InnerWest@40

11 March 2024

At it's meeting on Tuesday 5 March , Council decided:

1. That Council adopt the InnerWest@40Investigation in Potential Local Road Speed Limit Reductions” Study and seek approval and funding from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to expedite the implementation of 40km/hr speed limits on all local streets within the Inner West Local Government Area.

2. That Council forward the InnerWest@40 “Investigation in Potential Regional and State Road Speed Limit Reductions” Study to Transport for NSW to inform:

a)the introduction of consistent speed limits, of 50km/hr or less, on Regional Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area;

b)the introduction of consistent speed limits on State Roads within the Inner West Local Government Area, as appropriate to each road’s function and adjacent land uses;

c)the establishment of speed limits consistent with adjacent speed zoning at the 9 key locations identified in the Study; and

d)the establishment of 40km/hr high pedestrian activity areas in the 8 key locations identified in the Study.

3. That Council update the Policy Register and publish, as applicable, internally, and externally the adopted InnerWest@40 Studies.

4. That authority be delegated to the General Manager to make minor editorial amendments for clarity or correction following adoption of InnerWest@40.