Project updates

Project details



In September 2016 Council adopted the Plan of Management and Masterplan for Cooks River Parklands. The Masterplan has been progressively implemented with Stage 1 works completed and Stage 2 works underway due to be completed by June 2019.

What is happening now?

The new youth facility in HJ Mahoney Reserve is a key feature of the Cooks River Parklands Upgrade Stage 3. We have developed a concept design for this facility and we want to hear from you.

More Information

Attend design session in the Reserve at the Graffiti Wall on Saturday 30 March 2019, between 9am and 3pm

View the Council Cooks River Parklands Upgrade webpage

Have your say

Tell us your thoughts by completing the HJ Mahoney Reserve youth facility survey.

Last day to provide feedback is 7 April 2019.

What happens next?

Comments received will be incorporated into the final design where possible.