Project updates

Project details

Henson Park, Marrickville, is a well used multi purpose park with several facilities used by the community and organised groups. In 2021, Council adopted Plan of Management and Master Plan for this popular open space.

Why are we amending the Plan?

Council is making two amendments to these plans and would like to hear your thoughts. These include:

Henson Park is a popular Inner West sporting ground and has received interest from high-profile women's and men's sporting clubs as a possible venue for future seasons.

The resolution

At its Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 26 October 2021, Council in considering an update report on Henson Park resolved in part the following:

  • Council endorse the proposed redevelopment of the Park Grandstand and supporting amenities;
  • Council Officers consult with the Office of Local Government about the appropriate type of agreement for the implementation of the Project and report back to Council;

To ensure that the provisions in the Plan of Management around leases and licences are robust it is proposed that Council amend Section 3.0 and include an additional page which authorises leases and licenses.

Since the adoption of the Plan of Management in July 2021, the community has raised concerns about the future of the Amy Street footpath which runs around the northern perimeter of Henson Park and links Amy Street with Centennial Street.

Will the Amy Street footpath be affected by the Plans?

The pathway is not impacted by the Proposed Henson Park Development Application (DA 2022 033), nor are there any plans to close this pathway or limit community access, even when ticketed events for the use of the use of the park take place.

The only restrictions which will be in place during ticketed events is that the side gates which provide direct access to the sporting ground will be closed during ticketed AFL games. This however will not impede access for park users or residents traversing between Amy Street and Centennial Street.

Ensuring future protection

As part of the proposed Plan of Management exhibition process, the Henson Park Plan of Management will be amended to ensure that the Amy Street Footpath is protected and that this important public issue is clarified for future reference and safeguarded on the public record

The amendments to the references to Amy Street footpath clarify that the fence will not be removed, but will be upgraded, and the pathway will remain open.

Read the amended document

There are three ways you can review the documents during public exhibition:

1. Download a copy below

2. Contact Aaron Callaghan on 02 93925634 and request a paper copy be posted to your address.

3. View hard copies at :

  • Ashfield Service Centre, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm
  • Leichhardt Service Centre, 7-15 Wetherill Street, Leichhardt. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm
  • Petersham Service Centre, 2-14 Fisher Street, Petersham. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm

Have your say

This engagement has concluded.

What happens next?

After the engagement period, the Parks Planning team will review and consider community feedback before finalising the plans. The plans will then go to the elected Council for adoption. All those who provide feedback will be notified when the Council will consider the plans.