Project updates

Project details

Whenever you have your say, or provide feedback through Your Say Inner West or other methods, you're participating in community engagement to influence Council's decision making.

You've let us know you've got a strong desire to be heard by Council* so it's very important we engage in ways that are meaningful and work for you.

Now we're reviewing our processes and asking 'how can we improve?'

Take the survey

Survey closes 22 September 2019

What happens next

We will use your feedback along with independent reviews of our processes to update Council's Engagement Framework. This document guides how Council ensures the community has a strong voice in Council's decision making. The draft Framework 2019 will be on exhibition for public comment before the end of the year. If you provide your email in the survey we will let you know the dates.

* In the 2018 Community Satisfaction Survey independently conducted by Micromex, the "Community's ability to influence Council's decision making" was the highest contributor to overall satisfaction with Council.