
Report to Council

16 June 2023

Public Exhibition Outcomes

During the public exhibition, the Your Say Inner West online project page received a total of 1,542 views, 982 visits, and 11 online contributions were submitted, one of which was a petition with 106 signatories. The feedback received from the public is provided in detail below and includes comment from Council officers.

Your Say Inner West Online Results

During the public exhibition draft documents could be viewed ‘magazine-style’ or downloaded. The number of downloads is as follows:

  • Budget video explainer (272 views)
  • Draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget (84 downloads)
  • Draft Fees and Charges (25 downloads)
  • Draft Long Term Financial Plan (25 downloads)
  • Rates Map (18 downloads)

Overview of Online Contributions

Respondents were asked whether they supported each of the draft documents (optional question) and whether they would like to comment. Of the eleven online contributions, the following indications of support were received.

1. Draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget

Yes 4

No 4

Unsure 1

2. Draft Fees and Charges

Yes 3

No 4

Unsure 1

3. Draft Long Term Financial Plan

Yes 4

No 4

Unsure 0

Council meeting

On Tuesday 20 June 2023 Council will consider a community consultation report and make a decision whether to adopt the key strategic documents for 2023-2024.