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Delivering services and infrastructure for the Inner West
Each year Council invites community feedback on our draft key strategic documents which outline the services and infrastructure we plan to deliver for the Inner West community and how we pay for these through our annual budget, and our long term financial plan.
The draft plans demonstrate how Council is working to achieve the community's vision as outlined in the Inner West Community Strategic Plan - Our Inner West 2036.
You are invited to view the draft plans and provide feedback by 19 May 2023. All feedback received will be reported to Council at the meeting on 20 June 2023, when the draft plans are considered for adoption.
View a quick explainer about these documents
What is in the draft plans?
The draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget 2023/24 sets out Council's services, planned activities, key projects and budget including fees and charges for the financial year 2023/24.
In 2023/24, Council is budgeting total income before capital grants and contributions of $269.4m and expenses of $269.2m resulting in a surplus of $0.2m (before capital grants and contributions). The key drivers of this year’s budget include:
- Rate PEG minimum of 3.7% provided by IPART
- Continued draw down of the Domestic Waste Management reserve
- Fees and Charges indexed at 7% unless stated otherwise
- Staff industrial award estimated increase of 4% pending the new award agreement
- Including adequate budget for the maintenance of Council facilities under its control
Fees and Charges are indexed at 7% unless stated otherwise. Statutory fees are as per determination.
The draft Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) sets out the ten year budget forecast, underlying assumptions, sensitivity analysis, financial modelling for possible scenarios and methods of monitoring financial performance.
The LTFP sets out two scenarios, both of which maintain current service levels:
- Scenario 1 – Business as Usual, maintain existing service levels
- Scenario 2 – Addresses the Infrastructure Asset Renewal Backlog
A key achievement in the LTFP is Council generating surpluses each year starting at $170,000 and growing to in excess of $3.3M per annum over the life of the plan. In addition, every financial performance indicator exceeds the performance benchmarks set by the Office of Local Government for the full ten years of the plan.
The draft budget includes the full harmonisation of rates across the Inner West.
Rates harmonisation does not mean that Council collects more money in total rates - it just redistributes the cost amongst ratepayers.
Rates harmonisation was originally planned to take place over eight years from 2021-2029. At the moment properties that aren’t on the minimum rating are charged differently across the former Local Government Areas. The draft budget instead proposes full harmonisation from 1 July 2023. This ensures all ratepayers across the LGA are charged rates fairly based on their property values, so all members of the community who share and benefit from the Inner West’s services and infrastructure such as parks, roads, footpaths, libraries and rubbish collection contribute equally to the cost of these.
You can read more about rates harmonisation in the Council report. The report includes tables with sample land values showing the difference between the existing eight-year plan and the proposed 100% harmonisation.
How does Council calculate rates?
Rates are based on the land value which is set by the NSW Valuer General’s Office.
Inner West rates for 2023/24 are calculated using the formula:
Land value (set by the NSW Valuer-General’s Office) × rate in the dollar (subject to minimum rate of $899.08 for Residential Ordinary, and $867.35 for Business General)
Note that new land values were recently issued by the NSW Valuer General’s Office, and these valuations come into effect from 1 July 2023. Property owners whose land values have increased will see a proportionate increase in their rates.
Visit the NSW Valuer General’s website to learn more about how the NSW Government values land.
Inner West rating category map
Have your say
Council invites you to provide feedback on the draft plans. You can provide feedback by:
- Completing online submission form
- Mailing your submission to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, attention to Khanh Tran
- Calling or emailing Khanh Tran on 02 9392 5131 or
- Calling a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5131.
- Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
- Voice relay call 1300 555 727
- TTY call 133 677
- SMS relay call 0423 677 767
Feedback closes Friday 19 May 2023.
Download the draft document to read online
Hard copies are available to read at the following locations:
- Ashfield Service Centre, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield
- Leichhardt Service Centre, 7-15 Wetherill Street, Leichhardt
- Petersham Service Centre, 2-14 Fisher Street, Petersham
- Balmain Library, 370 Darling Street, Balmain
- Haberfield Library, 78 Dalhousie St, Haberfield
- Marrickville Library, Patyegarang Place, 313 Marrickville Road, Marrickville
- St Peters Library, St Peters Town Hall, Unwins Bridge Rd, Sydenham
What happens next?
All feedback will be considered before the plans are reported to Council for adoption at the meeting on Tuesday 20 June 2023. Everyone who provides feedback will be notified of Council's decision.