
Adopted by Council

5 July 2023

At its meeting on Tuesday 20 June 2023 Council considered post public exhibition report and decided:

1. That Council note the outcome of the public exhibition of Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting documents as required by the Local Government Act 1993.

2. That Council adopt the following documents with the proposed changes arising from the public exhibition as outlined in the report and attachments:

a)Revised Delivery Program 2022-26 (year 2), Operational Plan and Budget 2023/2024 (including Fees and Charges 2023/2024) subject to the following amendments to the budget:

i. An additional $350k for Customer Service Improvement;

ii. An additional $20k for Perfect Match and $30k for festivals;

iii.$25k for a trial of offering energy audits to residents;

iv.$25k to work with schools on safe pedestrian and cycling school wayfinding;

v.$100k to support disability employment strategies;

vi. That the Budget be amended to cap the number of wayfinding signs in Little Portugal, Vietnam and Greece to a total of 6 (2 in each precinct), that further consultation for large Little Village signage be included as part of the mainstreet strategy, that consideration of the larger Little Village signs be expanded to include the installation of murals, and that budget for large Little Village signage be drawn from scaling down wayfinding, the Perfect Match program and mainstreet strategy works, or other appropriate sources; and

vii. Note the budget includes an increase in the main street beautification budget from $1m to $1.2m.

b)Revised Long Term Financial Plan 2023-2033 (Scenario 1 – Business as Usual); and

c)Amendment to the adopted Residential and Business - General Rates Harmonisation transition timeline, for 100% transition from 1 July 2023, instead of ending July 2029.

3. That Council note the package of Service Statements that have been developed to provide a succinct description of every service, including activities undertaken, actions and KPIs, levels of service where relevant and budget.

4. That Council publish the final documents on its corporate website by 30 June 2023 and notify the Office of Local Government of the link to its web page.

5. That Council note the 9 survey responses to question 1.

6. That Council note the 8 survey responses to question 2 and 3.

7. That Council note the 11 written submissions made during the exhibition of the Delivery Program/Budget/plans etc.

8. That Council receive a report addressing the issues raised by residents and how those without material change to the delivery program/budget etc (ie those which relate to the accessibility and transparency of the documentation, review of council policies, etc) will be addressed in Council Program for 23/24.

9. That Council prominently include information in an upcoming Inner West Newsletter, and on the Inner West Council website, about the hardship provisions available to ratepayers in the Inner West Council area, as well as pensioner concessions.