
Council adopts budget

27 June 2019

At its meeting on June 25 2019 the elected Council considered community feedback and adopted the Budget and all related strategic documents. Council decided to:

1. Adopt the Operational Plan and Budget 2019/20, Fees and Charges 2019/20, Long-Term Financial Plan 2019-29 and amended Delivery Program 2018-22;

2. Make and levy the Rates and Charges for 2019/20 as contained in the Operational Plan in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993;

3. Adopt the Business – Airport rate as the basis for determining equivalent rate payments; and

4. Adopt the rate of 7.5% as the interest rate to apply on outstanding rates, in accordance with section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993.

5. Incorporate a $10 million savings target into the Budget.

6. Defer the new fees and charges for sporting grounds pending consultation with the relevant peak sporting associations and that those associations be requested to formally submit a position to officers on how fees can best be harmonised, with the matter to be reported back to an August Council meeting. The existing fees system with standard CPI increase remain in place in the interim.

7. Adopt the position of no creation of new positions.

8. Adopt the position of no replacement of positions or appointment of new contractors unless essential as determined by the CEO.

9. Approve all Councillor conferences and workshops.

10. Note the existing requirement for real time reporting on Ashfield Pool costs.

11. Note the imminent reporting of reviews into events and grant programs and give in principle support to a net reduction in expenditure on both.

12. Defer the adoption of proposed new fees and charges listed on pp. 59-67 of the Draft Fees and Charges schedule, pending a review of the eligibility criteria for subsidies and exemptions from charges for indoor venues, rooms and community centres, and other facilities.

13. Include in the 2019/20 Operational Plan for Child and Family Services a ‘Key Action’ of reaching an agreed plan with the State Government for Council’s continued and long-term operation of Globe Wilkins Preschool on the Wilkins Primary School site.

14. Note that the high deficit $18.8 in the 2019/20 budget and the ongoing projections of ongoing deficits in the Long term Financial Plan are unacceptable and must be addressed

For more information view the Council report and view the meeting minutes.