Project updates
Project details
We are excited to be delivering a new pocket park to Croydon thanks to former resident Betty Bell. Betty Bell bequeathed her home 'Balmoral' to former Ashfield Council with the intention that Council 'Maintain the land as an open space reserve.'
Bell Reserve is located at 188 Croydon Road, Croydon.
Our vision
The existing structure on the site has been demolished and our vision for the space is to:
- Create an inclusive community space that celebrates the site's history
- Design for informal passive recreation and rest areas
- Include accessible and interactive nature areas for children to play and explore at an informal level
- Design for safe and sustainable long-term maintenance
- Respond to requirements of the broader community users of the park
- Retain onsite plantings, where possible, to celebrate Betty Bell's commitment to gardening and enjoyment of the outdoors.
Key Park elements
We are looking at re-purposing and reinterpreting some of the salvaged materials from the site. Some of the things that we are considering for the park include:
- Park furniture including seats and a picnic table
- Bubbler
- Informal play area (this could include natural elements like logs or an interactive sculpture)
- Paths
- Plant and tree planting
- Shade and shelter
- Public art and the representation of the former house using salvaged elements.
Have your say
We would love to hear your thoughts on landscaping, interpretation of site history and informal play. We also welcome any other comments or memories that you'd like to share.
Use our Bell Reserve feedback form to share your ideas.
The last day to provide feedback was Sunday 17 November 2019.
Drop in sessions
Come and see the site, speak to the project team and have your say on concepts for the space.
- 10am - 12pm, Saturday, 2 November 2019.
What happens next?
Comments received during the engagement period will be considered and incorporated into the detailed designs where possible.