Project updates

Project details

Council seeks your feedback on proposed amendments to our current Development Control Plans (DCPs).

DCPs are detailed planning and design guidelines for new development which support the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) for an area. Council makes DCPs in consultation with the community. DCPs are important in the development assessment and approval process.


Inner West Council was formed in 2016 from the amalgamation of three former councils. Plans that guide land use and development from the former councils still apply.

Over the next two years Council will develop Our Place Inner West, a strategic land use planning framework including a Local Strategic Planning Statement, new LEP and comprehensive DCP for the whole Inner West Council area.

Visit the Our Place page for further information.

What's happening now?

As part of the first stage of Our Place Inner West, Council has reviewed the three current DCPs. The review has identified a number of inconsistencies and minor errors across five topics. The proposed amendments aim to align inconsistent provisions, correct errors and improve development assessment and control processes.

The proposed amendments relate to the three current DCPs:

About Amendment to DCP - 3. Stormwater management

The key proposed changes are:

  • Allow on-site retention (water tanks) instead of on-site detention for low density residential development
  • The Ashfield DCP has no detailed controls for stormwater so include a reference to the Marrickville DCP stormwater provisions to ensure there are clear and consistent controls in place

View the proposed changes

Hard copies of the DCP will be available at:

  • Inner West Council Service Centres
  • Haberfield, Balmain and Marrickville libraries

Make a submission

Council invites your feedback on the proposed amendments

  • Online: by completing the 3. Stormwater management submission 19/SF94
  • Mail: Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham, NSW 2049 Reference: 19/SF94

Submissions close on 30 April at 5pm

What happens next?

Everyone who makes a submission will be emailed to advise the date at which the elected Council will decide whether to adopt the amendments.

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