Project updates
Project details
At its meeting on 24 November 2020, Council resolved to place on public exhibition a draft term sheet for the Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) motorway project. This project was approved by the NSW Government in January 2021, with construction expected to commence within the Inner West Council area in 2022.
What is a term sheet?
Term sheet is a non-binding agreement that shows the basic terms and conditions of a contract between Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and Inner West Council. The term sheet serves as a basis for a more detailed, legally binding interface agreement that would be developed later between the two organisations.
What is included in the term sheet?
The term sheet guides the collaborative relationship between the two organisations on the WHT project. It provides the platform for mutual understanding of the issues affecting the Council, how they can be reasonably and feasibly addressed during planning and delivery of the project.
It also provides guidance on how to manage the handover, maintenance, modification and hand-back of Council owned or managed assets affected by the project. This includes for instance Yurulbin Park, which would be used as temporary construction site for the Western Harbour Tunnel. The term sheet captures how the project would return the park to public open space as soon as practicable, after redevelopment and reinstatement, in consultation with Council and the wider community.
As part of this draft term sheet, TfNSW proposes to fund staff resources within Council to address the additional work created by this and other TfNSW projects.
The acceptance of the draft term sheet and subsequent funding of staff resources would benefit Council and the community by increasing Council's ability to be an integral part of decision making on managing project delivery and construction impacts. This would give Council more opportunity to influence project outcomes.
Read the draft term sheet (PDF 854 KB)
Have your say
Comment on the term sheet
- Online, by completing the Term sheet comment form.
- By mail, addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, attention to Kendall Banfield.
- To receive information or provide feedback in another format, call us Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm via free community services. You will need to provide Inner West Council's phone number 02 9335 2179.
- For a free interpreter call us via TIS National on 131 450
- If you have a hearing or speech impairment contact us via the National Relay Service
- Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
- TTY number: 133 677
- SMS relay number: 0423 677 767
Submissions close on Sunday 9 January 2022
What happens next?
After the exhibition closes, your feedback will be reported to Council to decide whether to approve the term sheet. Anyone who makes a submission will be notified when the report is being considered by your elected representatives.