
NSW Parliamentary inquiry into the impact of the Western Harbour Tunnel & Beaches Link

4 June 2021

The NSW Legislative Council's Public Works Committee is conducting an inquiry into the impact of the Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) and Beaches Link. Council encourages any interested person to make a submission before the close date of Friday 18 June 2021. Note that only the WHT component of the project affects the Inner West Council area.

Submissions can be lodged by uploading it to the committee's website, emailing it to or writing to The Director, Public Works Committee, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Further information about the inquiry is on the committee's website or can be obtained via the secretariat on (02) 9230 3081. Further information on the project is available from the Transport for NSW project website.

Council has prepared a draft submission, available on the Council website. This draft submission may be useful as a guide to issues raised by the WHT within the Inner West Council area. Council will lodge a final version of its submission on the close date and will make it available on the same Council website.