Project updates

Project details

In March 2019, Council entered into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with the Yard 120C Pty Ltd with respect to the development at 120C Old Canterbury Road, Summer Hill.

What is happening now?

Yard 120C is seeking a variation to this agreement in regards to the following items:

(i) The studio Apartments have been upgraded to 1B apartments (still with no car space) with an increase in internal size from 35m2 to circa 50m2 – 15m2 increase @ $75,000 each unit

(ii) Free rental period of the Community space increased from 5 Years to 7 Years. Two year increase @ $40K/year

(iii) Included community lift added in Greenway pedestrian link

(iv) Widened access pathway to Old Canterbury Rd has extended the Greenway access link with extensive landscaping bedsernal link)

(External link

Have your say

Online: by completing the submission form
By mail: addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049, attention to Bojan Sodic.

Submissions close on 26 March 2021

What happens next?

After the exhibition closes, your feedback will be reported to Council to decide whether to vary the existing agreement or not. The report will be considered by Council at its meeting. Anyone who makes a submission will be notified of the Council meeting.