
Update on Council's actions

26 November 2021

At its meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021 Council discussed issues raised by residents living in St Peters regarding traffic changes related to the Sydney Park Junction proposal. After the discussion Council decided the following:

  1. Council urgently writes to Transport for NSW requesting that the proposed traffic plan advised by Transport for NSW for May Street St Peters and the St Peters Triangle, including Hutchinson Street, Lackey Street and Applebee Street St Peters, be immediately amended;
  2. Transport for NSW consult directly with residents of May, Hutchinson, Lackey and Applebee Streets regarding precise proposals regarding traffic access, pedestrian crossings and parking;
  3. This consultation be on site, in person, and on the weekend so as to allow maximum community involvement;
  4. Council note that a considerable number of residents have expressed serious concerns regarding access to and from Hutchinson, Lackey and Applebee Streets if the right hand turn from the Princes Highway into May Street is removed, and the right hand turn from May Street onto the Princes Highway is removed;
  5. Council note that should access be restricted into the St Peters triangle that emergency services access would be impeded, and that this could threaten the lives of residents in an emergency;
  6. Council note that should an accident block the Princes Highway south of May Street that should access to May Street be closed from the Princes Highway that access to suburbs south toward Sydenham, Tempe and St Peters could be seriously compromised;
  7. Council note that the planned restriction of traffic entering and leaving May Street would likely cause an increase in traffic on Lord and Alice Streets Newtown, Railway Road Sydenham and Campbell Street St Peters;
  8. Council note that earlier Notice of Motions have expressed serious concerns about the impact of increased traffic on Campbell Street, particularly the safety of children walking to and from St Peters Public School;
  9. Council requests Transport for NSW to restrict May Street to vehicles of less than 2 tonnes, light trucks, but no trailers;
  10. The proposed pedestrian crossing on May Street be located south of Applebee Street;
  11. The above matters be referred to the Traffic Committee of Inner West Council for further advice; and
  12. Council supports active transport and bike paths in this area and calls on Transport for NSW to do so.”

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